Press Release
Rotary National Award for Space Achievement
August 31, 2011
Media Contact: Marianne Dyson, 281-486-4747, dyson@rnasa.org
RNASA Foundation Donates to U.S. Air Force Academy and Texas High School Scholars

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General Chilton was formerly head of U.S. Strategic Command.
(Dan Rohan, 10-8-10)

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USAFA Class of 2015 cadets at swearing in ceremony in front of the Air Force Academy Chapel
(AOG WebGuy Photos, 6-24-2011)

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RNASA Treasurer Geoff Atwater and Chairman Rodolfo González present a check to TAS Program Manager Jessica Cejka.
(RNASA photo, 8-25-11)
The RNASA Foundation presented its top award, the National Space Trophy, to former Commander of U.S. Strategic Command and former Astronaut General Kevin P. Chilton, USAF (Ret.) on May 6, 2011. During his acceptance speech at the banquet, Chilton noted that, "Someday, in the future, another human being will stand on the Moon. And they'll plant a flag. To me, it matters whether that flag is an American flag or not. Because in the future, when someone does that, the rest of the world is going to look at that country, and say, 'I want to be like those guys.' The human space flight program is not only an inspiration to our youth: it's an inspiration to the entire world. And being a leader in that program is important for the United States of America, and my family."
Therefore, $10,000 of this year's event proceeds were presented to the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) Endowment in General Chilton's honor.
"We were thrilled to hear that General Chilton has recommended that this donation be used to support the Astronautical Engineering Department here at the Air Force Academy," said General Stephen Lorenz, President and CEO of the USAFA Endowment in Colorado Springs, Colorado. "Thank you for making this opportunity available to our institution and the cadets we proudly serve."
The Astronautics Excellence Fund supports interactive state-of-the-art engineering programs at the Academy, including the FalconSAT program. The FalconSAT program provides cadets an opportunity to design, analyze, build, test, launch and operate small satellites to conduct Department of Defense space missions.
In addition, the RNASA Foundation donated $16,340 to the Universities Space Research Association which supports the continuation of the Texas Aerospace Scholars (TAS) program. The TAS program provides opportunities to high school students to participate in special summer programs hosted at Johnson Space Center where they are briefed by engineers, scientists, and astronauts; and work in teams to cooperatively design a human mission to Mars.
TAS Program Manager, Jessica Cejka, said, "We are truly grateful for the generous support of the RNASA Foundation since our inception in 1999." Cejka noted that the donations have allowed more students to participate in the program which is free to those who qualify. "About 9,100 Texas students have participated in the Scholar's program to date," Cejka said.
Students are nominated to participate by their Texas state legislator and must complete a series of online lessons to qualify for the summer program. The Texas program has been so successful that it has been duplicated in other states. Also, a new program for girls from all 50 states began this year. Visit http://scholars.spacegrant.org for more information.
The RNASA Foundation expresses its deep appreciation to its government and corporate supoorters: The Aerospace Corporation, Alliant Techsystems, Inc. (ATK), ARES Corporation, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation, Barrios Technology, Bastion Technologies, Inc., The Boeing Corporation, Booz Allen Hamilton, Draper Laboratory, Fisher Space Pen, GeoControl Systems, Inc., GHG Corporation, Hamilton Sundstrand, Honeywell, Jacobs, L-3 STRATIS, Lockheed Martin, ManTech International, MEI Technologies, Inc., Oceaneering Space Systems, Omega Watch, Orbital Sciences Corp., Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, SAIC, SpaceX, Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies (SGT), TechTrans International, Inc., UHCL School of Business, United Space Alliance, and Wyle Integrated Science & Engineering.
Past recipients of RNASA Foundation proceeds include the National Flight Academy adjacent to the National Museum of Naval Aviation in Pensacola, Florida; Parks College of Engineering at St. Louis University; Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana; the University of Houston-Clear Lake; Space Center Houston; the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama; and the On Wings of Eagles Foundation of Bloomfield, Colorado.
The RNASA Foundation's 26th annual gala will be held at the Houston Hyatt Regency on the fourth Friday of April, April 27, 2012. For information on sponsorship opportunities and photos from previous events, please visit www.rnasa.org.
About the RNASA Foundation: Founded by the Space Center Rotary Club in 1985 to organize and coordinate an annual event to recognize outstanding achievements in space and create greater public awareness of the benefits of space exploration, the RNASA Foundation has presented the National Space Trophy to an outstanding American who has made major contributions to our nation's space program since 1987. This year marked the Foundation's 25th anniversary.
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Press Release
Rotary National Award for Space Achievement
May 9, 2011
Media Contact: Marianne Dyson, 281-486-4747, dyson@rnasa.org
Rotary Space Foundation Recognizes General Kevin Chilton, 25 Individuals, and Seven Teams with Awards
The Rotary National Award for Space Achievement (RNASA) Foundation celebrated its silver anniversary on May 6, 2011 by presenting the National Space Trophy (NST) to former Commander of U.S. Strategic Command and former Astronaut General Kevin P. Chilton, USAF (Ret.), and recognizing 25 individuals and seven teams with Stellar Awards.
With music by pianist Victoria Reva, the gala at the Houston Hyatt Regency was attended by about a thousand members of the aerospace community from around the nation, including seven of the previous NST winners. Also attending were Congressman Pete Olson and Houston City Councilman for District E, Mike Sullivan.
Harris County Judge Ed Emmett welcomed guests to the event, saying, "As a boy who dreamed about space growing up, I really came not to welcome you, but to say thank you."
Houston high school students again participated in the event with the Clear Creek High School JROTC Color Guard (Cadet Col.Cadet Maj. Lucus Duncavage, Cadet CPT Daniel Clemen, Cadet LTC Michael Truitt, and Juan Castillo) presenting the colors, and the national anthem being performed by Clear Springs junior, Bianca Higgins, the winner of the Clear Creek School District's "So You Think You Can Sing" contest.
Father Vincent Nguyen, Pastor of St. Claire of Assisi Catholic Church of Clear Lake provided the invocation. After a spectacular dinner, Space City Films dazzled the audience with a multi-media show displaying the highlights of space achievement during the previous year.
Veteran reporter and emcee Miles O'Brien kicked off the awards portion of the program on a light note with a plan for obtaining a space shuttle orbiter for Houston: have the next crew land it at Ellington near Clear Lake. "Then do what Texans do, claim it as yours and secede from the Union." O'Brien quipped, "How hard can this be?" But, he added more seriously, "I know there's a lot of bruised feelings about what museums the used shuttles go into. But when I think of Houston, I don't think about museums. I don't think about relics. I don't think about docents. I think about doers. To the extent that we bog ourselves down in a debate about where the relics go, I think we take our eye off the ball. The people in this room are all about smoke and fire and speed and exploration. Let's stay focused on that. The final frontier is our goal."
O'Brien delighted the audience with a video spoof he produced about General Chilton's role in the all-astronaut band, Max Q, during his time with NASA from 1987 through 1998. Other former band members including Chris Hadfield and Maj. Gen. Susan Helms appeared in the show.
NASA Astronauts Stephanie D. Wilson and Richard R. Arnold II then took to the podium to present the 2011 RNASA Stellar Awards to two USAF officers, three NASA employees, and 20 individual corporate winners, plus two NASA and five corporate teams. (See below for the list of winners.)
Astronaut Steven W. Lindsey who commanded the final flight of Space Shuttle Discovery in February, then presented the National Space Trophy to Chilton. He reviewed Chilton's biography, including that he Chilton joined NASA in 1987, flew on STS-49 in 1992, STS-59 in 1994, and STS-76 in 1996. He left NASA in 1998 to rejoin the Air Force. He retired from the Air Force this spring.
Lindsey cited Chilton's "accomplishments and exploits as a fighter pilot, experimental test pilot, astronaut, and superb leader of civilian and military space. He's had a huge impact on our collective professions." Yet, Lindsey said he thinks of him, "as the general who always took time to listen, to mentor, and the guy you knew genuinely cared about you. He's always been approachable. He's always treated everyone with equal respect and care, no matter their position. He's also been able to maintain a successful balance between his four stars and his four daughters." One of Chilton's daughters attended the banquet.
"This is kind of overwhelming for me," Chilton told the crowd. "To be nominated by your peers is a very special thing." He congratulated the Stellar Award winners, saying, "Most Americans don't appreciate the phenomenal work that's still going on every day."
He praised the team of people at Johnson Space Center. "In the 11 years I was with NASA, I felt like I got a PhD in human space flight." He described how the skills and knowledge he gained at NASA served him well when he returned to the Air Force. His astronaut training allowed him to tell the difference between a ballistic missile and a shuttle-like trajectory in data from the North Koreans. His time as deputy program manager for the International Space Station prepared him well for dealing with Pentagon budget issues and negotiating agreements for operations in other countries. "If I was successful at all when I returned to the Air Force, it was because of the 11 years I spent at NASA and learning this business that is so important to us."
Chilton included "the fulfillment of dreams, exploring, answering unanswerable questions, pushing the bar a little further up, trying to get over it," as reasons for "why we get out of bed and come to work in the morning." But he said his own motivation is also more personal, and deeply patriotic. "Someday, in the future, another human being will stand on the Moon. And they'll plant a flag. To me, it matters whether that flag is an American flag or not. Because in the future, when someone does that, the rest of the world is going to look at that country, and say, 'I want to be like those guys.' The human space flight program is not only an inspiration to our youth: it's an inspiration to the entire world. And being a leader in that program is important for the United States of America, and my family."
The evening concluded with Gemini and Apollo veteran Lt. Gen. Thomas Stafford, USAF (Ret.) presenting an OMEGA watch to Chilton. Stafford, who is a three-star general, noted that Chilton is the first astronaut to become a four-star general. "You broke the record." He praised his work for the military, saying, "Our nuclear capability had some issues that had degraded which we can't talk about here tonight. The Secretary of Defense and Congress charged General Chilton with reconstituting our nuclear forces: the Air Force has two thirds of the bombers and ICBMs." Stafford also said that Chilton had been assigned to establish Cyber Command. "What an outstanding job you did for the Air Force and for the country, Chili. We're so proud of you."
RNASA President Rodolfo González ended the evening by thanking the corporate sponsors: The Aerospace Corporation, Alliant Techsystems, Inc. (ATK), ARES Corporation, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation, Barrios Technology, Bastion Technologies, Inc., The Boeing Corporation, Booz Allen Hamilton, Draper Laboratory, Fisher Space Pen, GeoControl Systems, Inc., GHG Corporation, Hamilton Sundstrand, Honeywell, Jacobs, L-3 STRATIS, Lockheed Martin, ManTech International, MEI Technologies, Inc., Oceaneering Space Systems, Omega Watch, Orbital Sciences Corp., Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, SAIC, SpaceX, Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies (SGT), TechTrans International, Inc., UHCL School of Business, United Space Alliance, and Wyle Integrated Science & Engineering. Proceeds remaining after each year's event are donated to an organization involved in aerospace education.
About the RNASA Foundation: Founded by the Space Center Rotary Club in 1985 to organize and coordinate an annual event to recognize outstanding achievements in space and create greater public awareness of the benefits of space exploration, the RNASA Foundation has presented the National Space Trophy to an outstanding American who has made major contributions to our nation's space program since 1987. This year marked the Foundation's 25th anniversary.
Visit http://www.rnasa.org for more information and http://www.rnasa.org/photos for images from the event.
2011 RNASA Stellar Award Winners Announced
At the May 6, 2011, Rotary National Award for Space Achievement (RNASA) Foundation gala honoring General Kevin Chilton with the National Space Trophy, Stellar Awards were presented to 25 exceptional individuals and seven outstanding teams.
A record of 151 nominations for these awards were received from government, military, and corporate leaders this year. The nominations were carefully reviewed by a Stellar Awards Evaluation Panel consisting of Dr. Christopher C. Kraft Jr., Dr. Glynn S. Lunney, and Arnold D. Aldrich. They selected the winners based on which accomplishments hold the greatest promise for furthering future activities in space, the extent to which the nominee played a key role in the accomplishment, and the extent to which the nominee meets the goal of recognizing "unsung heroes."
The two USAF, three NASA, and 20 individual corporate award winners, plus two NASA and five corporate team winners, were announced at the evening banquet by Astronauts Richard Arnold II and Stephanie Wilson.
Arnold said, "As astronauts, we know first-hand that the safety and success of our missions are due to the exceptional people who go above and beyond every day so that we can fly as safely as possible. The Stellar nominees here tonight truly represent the best in our nation's Space Program."
Wilson added, "The Stellar Awards are important because they honor those who often work behind the scenes and whose careers and accomplishments may not be as visible as others. A panel of experts reviewed the nominee's backgrounds and accomplishments to determine the significance of their contributions to our space program. The breadth and scope of the nominees' work is truly amazing and proof positive that we have a wealth of unusually bright and talented people who are working to ensure that the space program has a very promising future."
Prior to the evening banquet, the nominees enjoyed a behind-the-scenes tour of Johnson Space Center and a special Stellar Awards Luncheon at the Nassau Bay Hilton. Hubble Servicing Mission (STS-125) Pilot, Captain Gregory C. Johnson, UNS (Ret.) was the featured luncheon speaker. He thanked the nominees for their work, saying, "You all should be highly congratulated for your excellent activities that brought you here. My hat is off to you."
Each nominee received a Fisher Space Pen engraved with the RNASA logo donated by the Fisher Space Pen company whose president, Mr. Cary Fisher, attended the luncheon and evening event. Each nominee also received a special commemorative certificate with an American flag that flew in space on STS-127 in July, 2009. The winners received marble trophies donated by Alliant Techsystems, Inc. (ATK).
Eight 2011 Stellar Award Winners in the Early Career Category
Michelle M. Gonzalez of ATK - Outstanding achievements on the deceleration system for Ares I and fast track qualification of the booster separation motors, enabling the advancement of human spaceflight.
Stephan Higgs of Oceaneering Space Systems - Outstanding leadership, unwavering attention to detail and exemplary work ethic in managing the mission support and crew training associated with extravehicular activity space hardware.
Dr. Scott L. Klempner of the United States Air Force - Exceptional leadership during the delivery and launch of Advanced Extremely High Frequency Flight 1 (AEHF-1) and contributions to the AEHF-1 orbital recovery plan following a major anomaly.
John H. Lawlor of Lockheed Martin - Technical excellence in the development of the Orion crew impact attenuation system to ensure crew safety and optimum performance.
Michael Marando of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne - Outstanding efforts to ensure safe flight of space shuttle main engines.
Lindsay A. Powell of The Boeing Company - Exceptional skill, professionalism and dedication on the Space Shuttle Program Ascent Loads Team.
Stephanie A. Sipila of NASA Johnson Space Center - Sustained leadership and superior efforts to support the future of the ISS through successful extravehicular activity.
Ryan P. Starn of L-3 Communications - Exceptional contributions to NASA Space Station Program regenerative life support system software reliability and robustness and development of innovative system software modeling augmenting independent verification and validation methods.
Ten 2011 Stellar Award Winners in the Mid Career Category
LeRoy E. Cain of NASA Johnson Space Center - Outstanding leadership as Chairman of the Space Shuttle Program Mission Management Team.
Randy J. Fitz of ATK - Personal dedication and accomplishments instrumental in the successful production of reusable solid rocket motor (RSRM) and RSRM vehicle energetic components and hardware.
James A. Galbraith of Oceaneering Space Systems - Unparalleled knowledge of human spacecraft materials and processes and related testing, analysis, investigation and approval for human rated spacecraft hardware.
Shawn M Greenwell of NASA Kennedy Space Center - Superior leadership and unmatched dedication to the Space Shuttle Program integrating a large multidiscipline launch team to ensure the safe and successful processing and launching of the space shuttle fleet.
Kenneth A. Head of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (Scott Connally of PWR accepted on Head's behalf.) - Exceptional support to the Space Shuttle Main Engine Program including technical knowledge of high pressure turbomachinery, turbine aerodynamics, secondary flow and thermal analysis.
Mark Jackson of Draper Laboratory - Excellence in the development and integration of guidance, navigation and control systems for the Orion crew vehicle.
Jennifer L. Kimball of United Space Alliance - Outstanding leadership of the U.S. and Russian Guidance, Navigation and Control Flight Control Teams supporting Space Station Flight Operations.
Timothy W. Reith of The Boeing Company - Outstanding leadership in addressing technical issues associated with space shuttle orbiter vehicle design and operations.
Dr. Edward J. Wassell of MEI Technologies Inc. - Superior contributions advancing micro electro-mechanical systems and detector fabrication processes resulting in positive impacts on quality, scientific data and leading edge innovation.
Martin J. Wilson of United Space Alliance - Leadership, technical expertise and innovation in the development of reusable thermal protection systems to support the Space Shuttle Program.
Seven 2011 Stellar Award Winners in the Late Career Category
Edward W. Bechtel of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne - Outstanding technical leadership and insight in developing combustion device technologies and rocket engine components.
Michael J. Dunham of The Boeing Company - Exemplary leadership of the Space Shuttle Orbiter Stress, Loads, and Dynamics Team, enabling the Space Shuttle Program to fly safely and with confidence since returning to flight.
Timothy Nalette of Hamilton Sundstrand - Sustained advances in life support air revitalization technologies for the Human Spaceflight Program.
Gen. Ellen M. Pawlikowski of the United States Air Force, Air Force Research Laboratory - Visionary leadership of defense space flight in service to the United States.
E. Cary Ralston of ATK - Extraordinary leadership and program management achievement in the execution of human space propulsion programs.
Gregory A. Ray of The Boeing Company - Exceptional technical expertise and leadership in positions of increasing responsibility in engineering and management for the Space Shuttle Team.
George Roberts of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne - Outstanding dedication, professionalism, and technical excellence in supporting human spaceflight for more than 45 years.
Seven 2011 Stellar Award Winners in the Team Awards Category
International Space Station (ISS) Active System Thermal Resources and Operations team of The Boeing Company - Outstanding team effort supporting recovery from the external active thermal control system loop A pump failure on ISS. Lupe Gonzales accepted the award on behalf of the team.
Minotaur IV Launch Vehicle Team of Orbital Sciences Corporation - Succesful development and demonstration of a new low cost and flexible launch configuration of the Minotaur IV launch vehicle. Lou Amorosi accepted the award on behalf of the team.
Orion Launch Abort System Integrated Product Team of Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company - Outstanding teamwork, leadership and technical excellence in the development of the state-of-the-art Orion launch abort system culminating in the flawless Pad Abort 1 flight test. Roger McNamara accepted the award on behalf of the team.
Orion Launch Abort System Team of Orbital Sciences Corporation - Exceptional dedication and technical excellence resulting in the successful design, development and test of the first full-scale abort system in the United States in more than 45 years. Tim Rumford accepted the award on behalf of the team.
Orion Pad Abort 1 Flight Test Team of NASA Johnson Space Center - Extraordinary performance in the conduct of the first full-scale integrated flight-test of the next generation crew escape launch abort system. Griff Corpenning accepted the award on behalf of the team.
Regenerative Enivronmental Control and Life Support (ECLS) Team of The Boeing Company - Leadership and technical excellence by the Regenerative ECLS Team resulting in the first on-orbit implementation of the fully regenerative ECLS system in the USOS (United States On-Orbit Segment) enabling six-person ISS crew capability necessary for full station utilization. Greg Gentry accepted the award on behalf of the team.
Spitzer Space Telescope Project Team of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Outstanding innovation, dedication, and technical excellence by the Spitzer Space Telescope Project Team enabling both engineering and scientific firsts from which the next generation of astrophysics missions will benefit. Suzanne Dodd accepted the award on behalf of the team.
Visit http://www.rnasa.org/stellar.html for photos of Stellar Award winners.
Press Release
Rotary National Award for Space Achievement
March 23, 2011
Media Contact: Marianne Dyson, 281-486-4747, dyson@rnasa.org
Rotary National Award for Space Achievement Plans 25th Anniversary Gala
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(Chilton, USAF Photo; Emmett, Dabfoto Creative/David A. Brown; Lindsey, NASA Photo) |
The Rotary National Award for Space Achievement (RNASA) Foundation is proud to be celebrating its silver anniversary with a gala event on May 6, 2011 at the Houston Hyatt Regency hotel. Founded by the Space Center Rotary Club in 1985 to organize and coordinate an annual event to recognize outstanding achievements in space and create greater public awareness of the benefits of space exploration, the Foundation has presented the National Space Trophy to an outstanding American who has made major contributions to our nation's space program since 1987.
The RNASA Board of Advisors selected recently retired Commander of U.S. Strategic Command, and former Space Shuttle Astronaut, General Kevin P. Chilton, USAF (Ret.) as the 25th recipient of the National Space Trophy.
"General Chilton, as an Air Force commander and a former astronaut, is being recognized for his leadership in both our civilian and military space programs," Rodolfo González, President of the RNASA Foundation, said.
The Trophy will be presented to General Chilton by Astronaut Steven W. Lindsey, Colonel, USAF (Ret.) who commanded the last flight of the Space Shuttle Discovery that landed on March 9.
Harris County Judge Ed Emmett will welcome guests to the event; the Clear Creek High School JROTC Color Guard will present the colors, and veteran reporter Miles O'Brien will serve as emcee. Former Apollo Astronaut Lt. Gen. Thomas Stafford, USAF (Ret.) will present an Omega watch to Gen. Chilton.
Record Number of RNASA Stellar Award Nominees
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(Wilson, Arnold, Johnson, NASA Photos) |
The winners of the annual RNASA Stellar Awards will be announced at the National Space Trophy gala in the evening of May 6 at the Houston Hyatt Regency. Veteran NASA Astronauts Stephanie D. Wilson and Richard R. Arnold, II will announce the winners and present them with engraved marble trophies.
"We had a record number of 151 Stellar Award nominees this year," reported Jennifer Devolites, the RNASA Stellar Awards Committee Chairman. The nominations are subdivided into four categories, and the Foundation received 29 early career, 51 middle career, 35 late career, and 36 team nominations. NASA nominated 19 individuals and seven teams, the USAF nominated five individuals and four teams, and industry nominated 91 individuals and 25 teams.
Winners are selected by a Stellar Awards Evaluation Panel based on which accomplishments hold the greatest promise for furthering future activities in space, the extent to which the nominee played a key role in the accomplishment, and the extent to which the nominee meets the goal of recognizing "unsung heroes." The 2011 Evaluation Panel consists of former National Space Trophy winners, Dr. Christopher C. Kraft Jr. and Dr. Glynn S. Lunney, and former National Associate Administrator for Space Systems Development, Arnold D. Aldrich.
Prior to the evening banquet, the Stellar Award nominees and their spouse or guest will enjoy a behind-the-scenes tour of Johnson Space Center and a special Stellar Awards Luncheon at the Nassau Bay Hilton. Hubble Servicing Mission (STS-125) Pilot, Captain Gregory C. Johnson, UNS (Ret.) is the featured luncheon speaker.
Each nominee will receive a special commemorative certificate at the luncheon and a special ribbon to identify them at the evening's banquet event.
The banquet is open to the public, but seating is limited. Please visit http://www.rnasa.org/tables.html for ticket information or contact Bill Taylor at 281-488-2733 prior to April 8, 2011.The RNASA Foundation is supported by corporate sponsorships. Proceeds remaining after each year's event are donated to an organization involved in aerospace education.
Press Release
Rotary National Award for Space Achievement
January 19, 2011
Media Contact: Marianne Dyson, 281-486-4747, dyson@rnasa.org
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General Kevin P. Chilton (USAF Photo)
General Kevin P. Chilton to receive 25th National Space Trophy
The Board of Advisors of the Rotary National Award for Space Achievement (RNASA) Foundation has selected the Commander of U.S. Strategic Command, and former Space Shuttle astronaut, General Kevin P. Chilton (USAF), to receive the 2011 National Space Trophy.
"General Chilton, as an Air Force commander and a former astronaut, is being recognized for his leadership in both our civilian and military space programs," Rodolfo González, President of the RNASA Foundation, said.
Since 2007, General Chilton has been in command of the United States Strategic Command based at Offutt AFB, Nebraska. In this position, he is responsible for the global command and control of U.S. strategic forces to meet decisive national security objectives.
Prior to his current position, Chilton, served on the Air Force Space Command Staff, the Air Staff, the Joint Staff, and commanded the 9th Reconnaissance Wing, 8th Air Force, Joint Functional Component Command for Space and Global Strike, and Air Force Space Command.
A veteran of three shuttle flights, Chilton flew as pilot on the maiden flight of Endeavour on STS-49 in 1992, and as pilot of STS-59, the Space Radar Laboratory mission in 1994. He commanded STS-76, the third docking mission to the Russian Space Station Mir in 1996. He then served as deputy program manager of operations for the International Space Station before leaving NASA in 1998.
Born in Los Angeles, California, Chilton, age 56, is a distinguished graduate of the U.S. Air Force Pilot Training and Test Pilot Schools and holds a BS in engineering science from the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, CO; and an MS in mechanical engineering from Columbia University of New York, NY. He flew operational assignments in the RF-4C and F-15 and weapons testing in the F-4 and F-15 prior to his selection as an astronaut in 1987.
Former Astronaut and current Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of United Space Alliance, Daniel Brandenstein, said in nominating Chilton that "he has demonstrated a combination of strong leadership and exceptional intelligence rarely found in one individual. Through his commitment and on-going advocacy for all types of strategic space pursuits, General Chilton has continually demonstrated a devotion to duty, honor and country that more than qualifies him to join the ranks of those honored with the National Space Trophy."
Chilton has been recognized with numerous awards including the Liethen-Tittle Award as top graduate of the USAF Test Pilot School Class 84A; the Distinguished Service with an oak leaf cluster, Defense Superior Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters, Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, a Distinguished Flying Cross, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster, the Air Force Commendation Medal, three NASA Space Flight Medals, a NASA Exceptional Service Medal, and the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal. He is also a Guggenheim Fellow.
Upon the announcement of Chilton's upcoming retirement from the Air Force in March, Strategic Forces Subcommittee Chairman Jim Langevin (D-R.I.) and Ranking Member Michael Turner (R-Ohio) said, "General Chilton's efforts have brought greater focus on our nation's strategic forces, scientific and technical workforce, and industrial base. His candor and expertise were greatly appreciated by this committee, and he will be missed."
Chilton currently resides with his wife Cathy, a Brig. General in the USAF Reserves, in Omaha, Nebraska. They have four children. He enjoys reading and sports and playing rock and roll guitar. He is a member of the Order of Daedalians, the USAF Academy Association of Graduates, and the American Legion.
The RNASA Foundation will present the National Space Trophy to Chilton at its 25th annual Awards Gala on May 6, 2011 at the Houston Hyatt Regency hotel in Houston, Texas. See http://www.rnasa.org for information about sponsorships and tickets for the event.
Read the press release as a Word document or as a pdf.
Chilton's biography is posted on the 2011 National Space Trophy Recipient page.