Corona Award

The Corona Award given to Dr.
Robert Gilruth is on display at the
Gilruth Center at JSC.
Photo courtesy RNASA.
Dr. Robert Gilruth
This year the Rotary National Award for Space Achievement has chosen to present The Corona, a special life time achievement award, to Dr. Robert Rowe Gilruth. Often referred to as the Father of Manned Spaceflight, Dr. Gilruth's entire life has been dedicated to the exploration of space. READ MORE1997
Capt. John Young, USN (Ret.)
The Corona Award recognizes a distinguished lifetime of achievement in the exploration of space, a lifetime exemplified by the service of Captain John Young. John Young holds the longest active-duty tenure of any United States' spacefarer and probably is the most experienced space pilot in the world. READ MORE1999
Walter Cronkite
When Walter Cronkite speaks, people listen. His sign-off line on the CBS Evening News — "And that's the way it is..." — became part of the American culture, largely because his viewers knew that it was so. Cronkite and credibility are synonymous. READ MORE1999
Gerald "Gerry" Griffin
Gerald "Gerry" Griffin, former NASA Apollo Flight Director and Director of the Johnson Space Center, will be the fourth recipient of the distinguished award in RNASA's 37-year history. Gerry continues to be a tireless advocate for the future of space exploration. He has made hundreds of speeches and appearances around the globe, promoting the past, present, and future of space. He injects clarity into a complex topic, thereby fueling enthusiasm for continued development. He is a true ambassador to the American space program. READ MORE