Educational Support

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RNASA Treasurer Geoff Atwater and Chairman Rodolfo González present a check to former NASA Aerospace Scholars Program Manager Linda Smith.
(Photo by Mary Alys Cherry, Bay Area Houston Magazine, 8-16-12)
HAS in Action

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Some 2012 High School Aerospace Scholars at Johnson Space Center. (NASA photo)

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Some 2012 Women in STEM High School Aerospace Scholars at Johnson Space Center. (NASA photo)

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USAFA Class of 2015 cadets at swearing in ceremony in front of the Air Force Academy Chapel
(AOG WebGuy Photos, 6-24-2011)
Thank you letter from General Lorenz
In 2013, RNASA donated $28,815 in proceeds from the 2013 banquet event to the Texas Aerospace Scholars (TAS) including $18,815 from the Foundation and $10,000 in honor of the 2013 National Space Trophy winner, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison.
High School Aerospace Scholars
The RNASA Foundation has supported the High School Aerospace Scholars (HAS) program since soon after its inception in 1999. RNASA Foundation donations have allowed more students to complete on-line lessons and then spend a week during the summer at Johnson Space Center where they are briefed by engineers, scientists, and astronauts; and cooperate to design settlements on Mars. To see HAS in action, view the video to the right.
Spanning 1999 to 2012, almost 7,000 students have been nominated by their state legislators to participate in the online portion of HAS with more than 3,300 attending the summer experience. With the success of TX HAS, JSC Office of Education has partnered with States of Idaho and Washington and the Commonwealth of Virginia to offer the opportunity to their students. Additionally, Women In STEM High School Aerospace Scholars (WISH) was piloted in 2011 to young women across the U.S.
For more information about High School Aerospace Scholars, visit or contact Gamaliel Cherry at 757-506-4095,
2023-2024 RNASA Foundation Scholarship for Texas High School Aerospace Scholars
The Rotary National Award for Space Achievement (RNASA) Foundation will award a $2,500 scholarship to two graduating Texas high school seniors who (1) completed the Texas High School Aerospace Scholars On-Site Summer Program at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, (2) plan to pursue a career related to aerospace and (3) are U.S. citizens at the time of application. Scholarship funding requires acceptance of the student to a four year college or university for full-time enrollment. Preference is given to students majoring in one of the four STEM areas. Applicants will be required to submit (1) a completed application form, (2) high school transcripts, (3) a list of honors, awards, achievements and community service volunteer activities, and (4) a one page essay describing why the student is pursuing a field related to aerospace and intended career goals.
More information on eligibility requirements and instructions are provided on the application form. Submissions are due on Monday, June 3, 2024.
Recent Recipients of Educational Support Funding
RNASA Foundation proceeds from the 2012 banquet event were donated to the NASA Aerospace Scholars program in August of 2012. Thanks to our generous corporate sponsors, the Foundation donated a total of $32,700 in proceeds, with $10,000 of that designated in honor of Michael Coats, the 2012 National Space Trophy winner. Of this total donation, $7,700 was sent in the spring to pay for the cost of team shirts for the 2012 students of the NASA Texas High School Aerospace Scholars and Women in STEM High School Aerospace Scholars (WISH) programs.
A total of $26,340 in proceeds from the 2011 RNASA event were donated to the Texas Aerospace Scholars (TAS) and the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) Endowment in honor of National Space Trophy winner, General Kevin Chilton. The USAFA Endowment received $10,000 and the TAS donation of $16,340 supported the High School Aerospace Scholars (HAS) and the Women in STEM High School (WISH) Aerospace Scholars programs based at Johnson Space Center.
Past Recipients of Educational Support Funding
Past recipients of RNASA donations include:
- U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama, to support Space Camp
- National Flight Academy adjacent to the National Museum of Naval Aviation in Pensacola, Florida
- Parks College of Engineering at St. Louis University
- Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana
- University of Houston-Clear Lake
- Space Center Houston
- On Wings of Eagles Foundation of Broomfield, Colorado